Results for ' E. Lambert'

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  1.  13
    Jean François Lyotard: critical evaluations in cultural theory.Victor E. Taylor & Gregg Lambert (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    This three-volume set is a collection of key critical responses by leading scholars to the philosophical and theoretical writings of this late postmodern philosopher. Organized thematically, the collection includes commentaries on Lyotard's life and early philosophical writings, as well as on ethics, aesthetics, and politics. With a new introduction by the editor providing a comprehensive overview of Jean-François Lyotards life and works, this impressive collection provides students and scholars with a valuable resource for studying this important philosophical figure.
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  2. Update of Clostridium difficile infection due to PCR ribotype 027 in Europe, 2008.E. J. Kuijper, F. Barbut, J. S. Brazier, N. Kleinkauf, T. Eckmanns, M. L. Lambert, D. Drudy, F. Fitzpatrick, C. Wiuff & D. J. Brown - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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    Verbal satiation and changes in the intensity of meaning.Wallace E. Lambert & Leon A. Jakobovits - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):376.
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    Bankers as Immoral? Some Parallels and Differences between Aquinas's Views on Usury and Marxian Views of Banking and Credit.Thomas E. Lambert - 2024 - Economic Thought 11 (2):31.
    Since ancient times the practices and ethics of bankers and banking in general have undergone a great deal of criticism. While lending is motivated by profit, and while households are not explicitly coerced into borrowing money, the justice of a system which exploits workers and at the same time encourages them to borrow money in order to maintain a certain standard of living can be viewed as sometimes unfair and perhaps immoral. The value of goods, according to St. Thomas Aquinas (...)
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  5. Hybrid Computational Methods and New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels and Applications-A Generic Framework for Local Search: Application to the Sudoku Problem.T. Lambert, E. Monfroy & F. Saubion - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3991--641.
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    Dewey's Democracy and Education Revisited: Contemporary Discourses for Democratic Education and Leadership.Clay Baulch, Nichole E. Bourgeois, Peter Hlebowitsh, Raymond A. Horn, Karen Embry-Jenlink, Patrick M. Jenlink, Timothy B. Jones, Andrew Kaplan, Jarod Lambert, John Leonard, Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Jean A. Madsen, Kathy Sernak, Robert J. Starratt, Lee Stewart, Duncan Waite & Susan Field Waite (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book presents a collection of contemporary discourses that reconsider the relationship of democracy as a political ideology and American ideal and education as the foundation of preparing democratic citizens in America.
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    Contextual constraints and the perception of speech.Steven Rosenberg & Wallace E. Lambert - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (1):178.
  8.  27
    The differential effects of word and object stimuli on the learning of paired associates.C. C. Wimer & W. E. Lambert - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (1):31.
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    Mediated satiation in verbal transfer.Leon A. Jakobovits & Wallace E. Lambert - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (4):346.
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    België en de Europese integratie, 1945-1955 : Een overzicht van de onuitgegeven bronnen.Mark Van Den Wijngaert, E. Lamberts & P. Van De Meerssche - 1979 - Res Publica 21 (1):163-169.
    The article gives a review of inedited sources dealing with the Belgian contribution to European integration in the years 1945-1955. Such sources are kept in the Algemeen Rijksarchief, in the Parliament, various ministerial departments, the Navorsings- en Studiecentrum voor de Geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, study centres of the major political parties, a number of non-governmental organizations as well as the private archives of a number of politicians.
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    Magnetic anisotropy and crystalline electric field effects in RRh4B4single crystals.H. Zhou, S. E. Lambert, M. B. Maple & B. D. Dunlap - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1861-1879.
  12.  47
    Semantic satiation and paired-associate learning.R. N. Kanungo, W. E. Lambert & S. M. Mauer - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (6):600.
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    Subjective correlates and consequences of belief in free will.A. Will Crescioni, Roy F. Baumeister, Sarah E. Ainsworth, Michael Ent & Nathaniel M. Lambert - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):41-63.
    Four studies measured or manipulated beliefs in free will to illuminate how such beliefs are linked to other aspects of personality. Study 1 showed that stronger belief in free will was correlated with more gratitude, greater life satisfaction, lower levels of perceived life stress, a greater sense of self-efficacy, greater perceived meaning in life, higher commitment in relationships, and more willingness to forgive relationship partners. Study 2 showed that the belief in free will was a stronger predictor of life satisfaction, (...)
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    (1 other version)Notes on e! III: A theory of descriptions.Karel Lambert - 1962 - Philosophical Studies 13 (4):51--59.
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    Semantic satiation among bilinguals.Leon A. Jakobovits & Wallace E. Lambert - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (6):576.
  16.  49
    Notes on “e!”: II.Karel Lambert - 1961 - Philosophical Studies 12 (1-2):1 - 5.
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  17. Notes on “e!”.Karel Lambert - 1958 - Philosophical Studies 9 (4):60 - 63.
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    Personal philosophy and personnel achievement: belief in free will predicts better job performance.Tyler F. Stillman, Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen D. Vohs, Nathaniel M. Lambert, Frank D. Fincham & Lauren E. Brewer - 2010 - .
    Do philosophic views affect job performance? The authors found that possessing a belief in free will predicted better career attitudes and actual job performance. The effect of free will beliefs on job performance indicators were over and above well-established predictors such as conscientiousness, locus of control, and Protestant work ethic. In Study 1, stronger belief in free will corresponded to more positive attitudes about expected career success. In Study 2, job performance was evaluated objectively and independently by a supervisor. Results (...)
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  19.  35
    Notes on “e!” IV: A reduction in free quantification theory with identity and descriptions.Karel Lambert - 1964 - Philosophical Studies 15 (6):85--88.
  20.  5
    Hypothèse sur l'évolution physique et métaphysique de l'énergie (première esquisse d'une philosophie générale nouvelle)..Henri Lambert - 1935 - Bruxelles,: M. Weissenbruch s. a..
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  21. Aproximaçoes a uma definiçao da educaçao estética e da <>.Maria de Fátima Lambert - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (1):171-194.
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  22.  3
    La justice vécue et les théories éthiques contemporaines: initiation aux débats contemporains sur la justice et le droit.Roger Lambert - 1994 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    Processo civil com e sem atividade probatória: da agilização do processo civil.Walter Lambert de Brito - 1984 - Rio de Janeiro-RJ-Brasil: Editores J. Di Giorgio.
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    Phänomenologische und experimentelle Ästhetik.Lambert Wiesing - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 57 (2):68-82.
    The article tries to defend three theses: First the opinion that in fact philosophical and empirical aesthetics can be clearly distinguished and as well juxtaposed, but the term experimental aesthetics should not only be reserved for aesthetics, which can be found outside of philosophy. Because notably phenomenological aesthetics, so the second thesis, are in a certain way experimental aesthetics – namely if and only if the method of Eidetic Variation is used and insofar this method can be understood as a (...)
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  25. Determinism and the Problem of Individual Freedom in Li Zehou’s Thought.Andrew Lambert - 2018 - In Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia (eds.), Li Zehou and Confucian philosophy. Honolulu: East-West Center. pp. 94-117.
    Li Zehou’s work can be understood as an account of a Chinese modernity, a vision for Chinese society that seeks to integrate three distinct philosophical approaches. These are Chinese history and culture, which Li understands as largely Confucian; Marxism, which has exerted such influence on a modernizing China; and Western learning more generally, as expressed by figures such as Immanuel Kant and Sigmund Freud. Li also frequently expresses the hope that a Chinese modernity will be one in which the importance (...)
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  26.  57
    Predication and Ontology.Karel Lambert - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):603 - 614.
    It is an historical fact that one of Russell's greatest philosophical contributions was to highlight the role that premises about logical form play in ontological arguments. A pair of quotations will introduce his point that great metaphysical systems are often not only based on, but are debased by, the belief that certain statements of philosophical discourse are logically subject-predicate in form.Speaking of Hegel's Absolute Idealism, Russell wrote in Our Knowledge of The Extemal World:Mr. Bradley has worked out a theory according (...)
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  27.  21
    Antero: as imagens: contexto estético e antropológico.Maria de Fátima Lambert - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1/4):449 - 474.
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  28. Le phénomène humain de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: genèse d'une publication hors normes.Dominique Lambert - 2022 - Bruxelles: Éditions Jésuites. Edited by Marie Bayon de La Tour, Paul Malphettes & Paul Poupard.
    C'est sur le chemin étonnant et sinueux du célèbre Phénomène Humain que nous entraîne cet ouvrage, nous invitant à la table de l'Histoire : contexte ecclésial, oppositions intellectuelles notoires sur la marche de l'Univers, dédale des allers-retours entre Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et ses supérieurs à la recherche d'un nihil obstat" jamais décroché, et enfin, une publication post-mortem, au succès et au retentissement foudroyants. Se basant sur les archives privées de la Compagnie de Jésus et des documents inédits ou peu (...)
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  29. Determinism and the problem of individual freedom in Li Zehou's thought.Andrew Lambert - 2018 - In Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia (eds.), Li Zehou and Confucian philosophy. Honolulu: East-West Center.
    Li Zehou’s work can be understood as an account of a Chinese modernity, a vision for Chinese society that seeks to integrate three distinct philosophical approaches. These are Chinese history and culture, which Li understands as largely Confucian; Marxism, which has exerted such influence on a modernizing China; and Western learning more generally, as expressed by figures such as Immanuel Kant and Sigmund Freud. Li also frequently expresses the hope that a Chinese modernity will be one in which the importance (...)
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  30.  83
    The ineliminability of e! In free quantification theory without identity.Robert K. Meyer, Ermanno Bencivenga & Karel Lambert - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (2):229 - 231.
  31.  14
    Social Cognition.Alan J. Lambert & Alison L. Chasteen - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 306–313.
    Social cognition refers to a discipline in which researchers seek to understand social phenomena in terms of models which emphasize the role of cognitive processes (e.g., attention, encoding, cognitive organization, storage, memory) in mediating social thought and action. Although social cognition is a relatively new field, it is important to note that social psychologists have long been concerned with many of the same issues that are central to cognitive science, such as how people store and retrieve information about their environment (...)
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  32.  11
    La idea de una metafísica filosófica en El puesto del hombre en el cosmos de Max Scheler.César Lambert - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    El artículo se centra en la doctrina metafísica esbozada por Max Scheler en el opúsculo El puesto delhombre en el cosmos (1928). El enfoque del autor sostiene que el ser humano se entiende a sí mismoen el mismo momento en que se hace consciente de un Ser absoluto. Pero este Ser absoluto nopuede ser definido como un Dios todopoderoso, pues tiene dos atributos contrarios, a saber, espíritue impulso, los que en un comienzo no se hallan en armonía, de modo tal (...)
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  33.  9
    L'identité en question: entre parcours de vulnérabilités et chemins d'autonomie.Dominique Lambert & L. Rizzerio (eds.) - 2022 - Namur (Belgique): Presses universitaires de Namur.
    À l'heure où tant de discours prônent des sociétés dites 'inclusives,' dans nos vies quotidiennes, la vulnérabilité est encore trop souvent perçue comme le versant négatif de l'autonomie, un moment de l'existence qu'il faut impérativement dépasser pour pouvoir construire l'identité d'un sujet libre et autonome. Et si, à l'inverse, la construction d'une identité forte ne pouvait advenir que grâce à l'articulation entre vulnérabilité, comme condition normale de l'existence, et autonomie? Fruit d'un travail collectif, cet ouvrage souhaite prouver, à l'aide de (...)
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    Dissecting post‐mating prezygotic speciation phenotypes.Kerry L. Shaw & Jonathan M. Lambert - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1050-1053.
    Darwin's “mystery of mysteries,” the origin of species, is caused by the evolution of speciation phenotypes, i.e. phenotypic differences that depress gene flow between daughter species during speciation. Postmating, prezygotic (PMPZ) differentiation characterizes many closely related species causing conspecific sperm precedence (CSP), wherein a female preferentially utilizes conspecific over heterospecific sperm in fertilization. Until recently, the components of CSP have been difficult to observe and study in internally fertilizing organisms. Research into the mechanisms of CSP is now progressing rapidly with (...)
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  35.  19
    L’actualité de la pensée politique de Jacques Maritain cinquante ans après sa mort.Andreas Gonçalves Lind & Dominique Lambert - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):509-530.
    The commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the canonization of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) as well as the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) present an opportunity to re-examine the neo-Thomism of the contemporary French philosopher. Our aim here will be to set out the philosophical argument from which Maritain establishes an inseparable link between human rights (i.e., the dignity of the human person) and natural law. We will thus seek to expose how Maritain supports democracy from the (...)
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    Exercer le métier d'assistant(e) maternel(le) à la crèche familiale préventive « Enfant Présent ».Frédéric Jésu, Patricia Aouane, Catherine Bernier, Rachid Chiha, Yolande Corel, Roland Lambert, Rachida Raoul & Martine Tesson - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 167 (1):77-88.
    Exercer le métier d’assistant(e) maternel(le) dans le cadre spécifique d’une crèche familiale préventive à gestion associative requiert, outre des compétences « techniques » avérées, une disponibilité et un « savoir-être » bien particuliers, sur lesquels repose une large part de la qualité du service personnalisé rendu aux familles qui s’y adressent. L’ensemble de ces aptitudes se manifeste aux niveaux certes de l’accueil des enfants, mais aussi des relations intenses et complexes établies avec les parents et de l’organisation, nécessairement très minutieuse, (...)
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  37. Authors’ Abstracts of Recent BooksMan’s Invincible SurmiseCreative Synthesis and Philosophic MethodGood and Evil: A New DirectionAgent, Action and ReasonAn Inquiry Into the Human MindContradiction and Mental ProcessReadings in the Philosophy of Education: A Study of CurriculumDoing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of ResponsibilityOn the Idea of PhenomenologyPrinciples of Political Economy Books IV and VA Bibliography of F. C. S. SchillerHartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics: An InterpretationAspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of ScienceZeno’s ParadoxesFondamento e problemi della metafisica Vol. I: Essere e VeritàPaul Tillich’s Dialectical HumanismMetaphysics and British EmpiricismBeing, Man and Death: A Key to HeideggerAlienationJustice and EqualityMetaphysical Foundations of Natural ScienceAn Introduction to the Philosophy of ScienceHumanistic IdealsBasic Philosophical AnalysisEssays on Other MindsThe Problem of the SelfA Critical Preface to Phi. [REVIEW]JrThomas Garrigue MasarykCharles L. ReidHenry W. Johnstone Gerald M. SpringCharles HartshorneRichard TaylorThomas ReidLeland FergusonJoel FeinbergPhilip PettitJohn S. MillHerbert L. SearlesAllan ShieldsEugene H. PetersCarl G. HempelDomenico CampanaleLeonard F. WheatRobert L. ArmstrongJames M. DemskeRichard SchachtImmanuel KantKarel Lambert and Gordon G. Brittan - 1972 - The Monist 56 (4):626-641.
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    Informed consent, community engagement, and study participation at a research site in Kigali, Rwanda.Jennifer Ilo van Nuil, Evelyne Kestelyn, Grace Umutoni, Lambert Mwambarangwe, Marie M. Umulisa, Janneke van de Wijgert & Raffaella Ravinetto - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):349-356.
    People enroll in medical research for many reasons ranging from decisions regarding their own or family members' health situation to broader considerations including access to health and financial resources. In socially vulnerable communities the choice to participate is often based on a risk‐benefit assessment that goes beyond the medical aspects of the research, and considers the benefits received. In this qualitative study, we examined the motivations of Rwandan women to participate in a non‐commercial collaborative research study examining the safety, acceptability, (...)
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  39. E. Bencivenga, Karel Lambert, and Bas C. van Fraassen, Logic, Bivalence and Denotation Reviewed by.Alasdair Urquhart - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (4):121-123.
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    A correspondência entre Lambert van Velthuysen e Espinosa.Edwin M. Curley - 2000 - Discurso 31:11-44.
    A análise da correspondência entre Espinosa e L. van Velthuysen pode ser bastante útil para aperfeiçoar nossa compreensão do Tractatus theologico-politicus e da filosofia de Espinosa em geral. Em sua correspondência, Espinosa é freqüentemente evasivo e lento para ver (ou, ao menos, para reconhecer) um ponto. É uma questão interessante como deveríamos dar conta destas deficiências em suas respostas, e sua correspondência com Velthuysen seria uma boa oportunidade para provar a perspectiva de Bennett. O artigo está dividido em três partes: (...)
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  41. J.H. Lambert tra scetticismo e epistemologia.G. T. Giuseppe - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:599.
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  42.  32
    (1 other version)Karel Lambert. Notes on E! III: A theory of descriptions. Philosophical studies , vol. 13 , pp. 51–59. - Jaakko Hintikka. Definite descriptions and self-identity.Philosophical studies , vol. 15 , pp. 5–7. - Karel Lambert. Notes on E! IV. Philosophical studies , vol. 15 , pp. 85–88. , p. 48.) - Karel Lambert. Definite descriptions and self-identity. II. Philosophical studies , vol. 15 , vol. 17 , pp. 35–43. [REVIEW]Theodore Hailperin - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):252.
  43.  13
    Riforma della metafisica e sapere scientifico. Saggio su J. H. Lambert (1728-1777) (review). [REVIEW]Antonio Clericuzio - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):136-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:136 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 28" 1 JANUARY 199 ~ to the principle of acting for the common good are played down by Grant in her discussion of Locke. Nevertheless, Grant advances the important proposition with respect to the tradition of liberalism as a political doctrine that "Locke's political theory contains two tendencies that are not entirely harmonious." That is, there is an uneasy blend of radical (...)
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  44. J. H. Lambert e la fondazione scientifica della filosofia.Raffaele Ciafardone - 1975 - Urbino: Argalìa.
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  45. J.H. Lambert tra scetticismo e epistemologia.T. G. T. G. - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (3):599.
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  46.  18
    Lambert Wiesing, Luxus.Gregorio Fiori Carones - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:141.
    In A Philosophy of Luxury Lambert Wiesing offre una trattazione originale del concetto di lusso in una prospettiva meramente estetica. Avendo escluso ogni relazione con concetti sociali, quali prestigio, ostentazione, status, Wiesing dichiara che per lusso si deve intendere un’esperienza estetica di tipo particolare. Poiché solo l’uomo indulge nel lusso, ciò che va analizzato è la relazione che intercorre tra un soggetto e un dato oggetto, prescindendo dalle qualità estetiche proprie di quest...
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    Riforma della metafisica e sapere scientifico: Saggio su J. H. Lambert . Fabio Todesco.Reinhard Brandt - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):734-734.
  48. L'altra faccia dell'uomo della Luna. Lambert e l'Erfindungskunst.Enrico Pasini - 2005 - In Massimo Mori & Stefano Poggi (eds.), La Misura Dell’Uomo. Filosofia, Teologia E Scienza Nel Dibattito Antropologico in Germania (1760-1915). Il Mulino. pp. 49-70.
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  49. Publicaçoes sobre a fenomenologia de Hussel em Portugal, por Maria de Fátima Lambert Alves de Sá e outros mestrados.Michel Renaud - 1985 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 41 (4):443-448.
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    Book review: Kalaitzidis E 2009: Client centered nursing ethics: a reconstruction of professional ethics for professional nursing. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing. 200 pp. USD 101.70 (PB) ISBN: 978 3 8383 2645 0. [REVIEW]Leila Toiviainen - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):455-455.
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